Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti in Ruins

Living in Florida, Haiti occasionally enters into the everyday, as a lot of Haitian expats live here, and many go back frequently to see family. Outside of that, I don't know much about the country or it's people. My knowledge was limited to some vague notions about old voodoo legends and that it was a terrifically poor place.

However, thanks to the internet and social media, I have learned more about Haiti in the last two days than I ever thought possible. And the photos of this island nation and its terrible destruction have made me weep. The Times reports that survivors can be heard shouting in the wreckage, but many cannot be reached as their is no safe route. The living share space on the streets with the dead, water is running low, and for all the relief pledged to this destroyed country, it is having trouble getting there.

In the midst of this sadness and loss, there is one thing that warms my heart. Social media has been a boon to many in times of loss in the last couple of years. However, the outpouring of grief and support that have splashed across the twitter feeds, run unerringly through facebook, and encouraged a viral campaign for donations via text message remind one that there is something to have faith in for humanity.

We have been able to mobilize and organize that much quicker, and connect those who want to help with those who can get them there. Imagine if we had all this when 9/11 occurred? Then we saw a nation rally itself together as we hadn't seen in years, and we felt a national unity that many in my generation have never been privy too.

In the midst of the tragedy, I am grateful that something like social media is able to help us help each other.

My thoughts are with Haiti, and those who are waiting to hear from friends and family who are yet lost.

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